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The King Salman Global Academy for the Arabic Language
إن من أجلِّ النعم على أمة الإسلام نعمة القرآن الكريم
.الذي نزل بلسان عربي مبين.
قال تعالى: {إنا أنزلناه قرآنًا عربيًّا لعلكم تعقلون}
Arabic, which is an official language in numerous international organizations, is not adequately represented considering its cultural, historical, and geographical importance.
إقرأ المزيد
The Arabic language is one of the official languages in most international organizations, but it is noticeable that the presence of Arabic in various organizations is not consistent with its cultural and civilizational importance and its geographical and historical extension.

إن من أجلِّ النعم على أمة الإسلام نعمة القرآن الكريم
.الذي نزل بلسان عربي مبين
قال تعالى: {إنا أنزلناه قرآنًا عربيًّا لعلكم تعقلون}

Arabic, which is an official language in numerous international organizations, is not adequately represented considering its cultural, historical, and geographical importance.
About us
About us
Startegic pillars
The Academy is established by the Council of Ministers decree number (34) and date 01/13/1442 H corresponding to 1 September 2020
Leadership and globalauthority in the service of the Arabic language
It aims to contribute to strengthening the role Of the Arabic language
regionally and globally, and to highlight its value ih expressing the
linguistic depth of Arabic and Islamic culture. Its initiatives were
launched within the Human Capability Development Program; one of the proerams that aims to achieve the Kinzdom's Vision 2030.
regionally and globally, and to highlight its value ih expressing the
linguistic depth of Arabic and Islamic culture. Its initiatives were
launched within the Human Capability Development Program; one of the proerams that aims to achieve the Kinzdom's Vision 2030.
Leadership and global authority in the service of the Arabic language
It aims to contribute to strengthening the role Of the Arabic language
regionally and globally, and to highlight its value ih expressing the
linguistic depth of Arabic and Islamic culture. Its initiatives were
launched within the Human Capability Development Program; one of the proerams that aims to achieve the Kinzdom's Vision 2030.
regionally and globally, and to highlight its value ih expressing the
linguistic depth of Arabic and Islamic culture. Its initiatives were
launched within the Human Capability Development Program; one of the proerams that aims to achieve the Kinzdom's Vision 2030.
Strengthening National Identity
Strengthening National Identity
Strengthening National Identity
Strengthening National Identity
Most important projects
Asset Publisher
Establishment of a Laboratory to Innovate Modern Teaching Tools in the Field of Arabic Language Read more
Establishment of a Laboratory to Innovate Modern Teaching Tools in the Field of Arabic Language
The Academy aims to establish, sustain and develop the Arabic language teaching innovation lab, including building and...
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